Wednesday, November 28, 2012


She was sixteen
When she was laid to rest
Her body finally at peace
And free

It wasn't the rope
Around her neck that killed her
Or the razor blade
She used to cut her wrists with
Or the sedatives
She took most nights
To numb the pain

She was just sixteen
When she was laid to rest
Her body finally at peace
and free

It wasn't her reckless lifestyle
Or her thug boyfriend
That killed her
It wasn't the drugs they used
Or the booze they drank
It wasn't
The friends she kept

She was just sixteen
When she was laid to rest
Her body finally at peace
And free

It wasn't her step dad's
Beer belly that killed her
As he held her down
Or his hands over her mouth
That suffocated her
As he tries to muffle her cries

She was just sixteen
When she was laid to rest
Her body finally at peace
And free

She was used to the pain
The razor helped her feel again
The high shut off this horrible movie
That she lived
And that played over and over again
Everytime it was silent
Walked around with headphones
To drown her own screams

She was only sixteen
When she was laid to rest
Her body finally at peace
And free

It wasn't the abuse that killed her
It was the stabbing stares
And finger pointing at school
It was the whispering
Then sudden silence
When she walked past
It was the images taken
Along with her innocence
When she was just four
That some kids found
And were passing them around
Like free mixtapes
With every download
Every file shared
She was stabbed
And ripped apart
Images of her
Being violated
Scattered on facebook
For all to see
Sent from one phone to the next
Killed by a society
Who wouldn't let her
Stop being a victim

She was just sixteen
When she was laid to rest
Her body finally at peace
And free

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