Friday, June 24, 2011
A poem About Everyone
I hope today's poem touches you like I was touched when i read the story of an infant who was tossed down a toilet pit and subsequently burnt with newspapers by her own mother. I hope we all find a little love within each of us and show it to the next. a smile goes a long way. Lets show a little love. LETS ALL SCREAM....WE ARE HUMAN!!!!!
Love peace Happyness
A Poem About Everyone
I woke up this morning
Thinking how perfect life is
How perfect life is with you
And it made me want to write
A poem about love
About how love
Makes all things possible
Makes all things bearable
How it gives my pen
The charge it needs
To electrify a page
And gives my words
The power to capture your attention…
I wanted to write a poem
I carried on the rest of the day
With this train of thought
Bought into this idea
That with someone to love
Above all else
A smile, a page
A friendly face
And a warm embrace
The world is a beautiful place
A beautiful blank page
Waiting to be painted
With “Dreams come True”
And a candy coated reality…
I wanted to write a poem
I still want to write a poem
A poem about love
About tranquil trees
And beautiful flowers
About showers of hugs and kisses
For every little kid
But between pad and paper
Lies a thick layer of “here and now”
Unkempt promises
That make mothers frown
Smiles being wiped off kids’ faces
With each tear that runs down their cheeks
And keeps me from writing
But I want to write a poem
I want to write a poem
A poem about love
A poem about how
“You can do whatever
You put your mind to”
I told this to my little brother
And he said
“I guess no one ever wanted
To end world suffering”
I said maybe
The world is too big
To fit inside one man’s mind
Maybe if we collectively “put our minds to it”
Our hearts and hands will follow suit…
It’s our hearts and hands
That hate, that clench
That grab, that brutally hit
That indecently assault
That hold down rape victims
That muzzle the screams of infants
That throw them down toilet pits
That dump them in rubbish bins
Or bury them in shallow graves
Its our hearts that keep us as slaves
That chains our hands
That stops us from loving
From writing our young ones
A new tomorrow
I want to write a poem
A poem about love
About how our hearts and hands
Hold and caress
Support and protect
How fathers are neither
Suspects nor pedophiles
I want to write a poem
About how mothers love unconditionally
I want to write this poem
About me and about you
About every little child
I want to write this poem with a smile
Holding hearts and hands
I want to write this poem
About everyone
And not just a chosen few
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Idle minds get maimed after sunset
Thank you to all 917 of you who have viewed my blog.I hope you have enjoyed it and it has somehow inspired you to find your voice.Please continue visiting there will be regular updates of the blog.I encourage you to leave you comments, register to get updates sent to your e-mail by filling in your e-mail address above and click submit.
The poem today was first published in the reunitedsiblings' 3rd anthology "Alliance ya batlhanka".It was a great experience working with the siblings and being one "ya bathlanka".To get yourself a copy e-mail Wesley Pepper at
Idle minds
18 hundred hours
Loyal sheep flock to the slaughter
Anxiously waiting to be IN FORMED
Their conscience formed
In the square images of their idols
Artificial smiles predict
What soap is best suited for the night
This is not goodnight
But an awakening of digital zombies
Who don’t see the light
Hypnotised by flash-lights
True disciples of the lime light
Idle minds get maimed after sunset
As they standby and watch
20 hundred hours
Loyal sheep flock to the slaughter
Ingesting every blood thick second like it was water
My heart bleeds for the soil’s sons and daughters
Walk barefoot feel the earth beneath your feet
We’re caught between a rock and a hard place
Where society judges on looks
Idle minds get maimed after sunset
And the devil is a book
As they merge with the images
That march like soldiers
On an un-awakened earth
Viciously raping virgin minds
That survived land mines
Don’t forget
Idle minds get maimed after sunset
With lethal graphic assault
Urban warriors stay alert
Armed with pads and pens
Explosive poems that reawaken the masses
Our forefathers burned the passes
Defied the powers that be
I be
The monotonous voice
That longs to haunt you
Every time you “click-click”
Rise from your self induced slumber
Listen to one of the many voices in the wind
Blown over the continent
Like dead ashes over the sea
Idle minds get maimed after sunset
I could carry on writing
But the sun is setting
On unsuspecting minds
Its getting dark
I can hardly see my lines
The grim reaper is warming up
I’m running out of time
Shit 17hundred hours
And these are the days of our lives.
Monday, June 20, 2011
thanks to all 863 of you who have viewed my posts thus far. Dont hesitate to leave your comments and suggestions. A couple of you have hinted that they would love to see more of my paintings and I will oblige. Dont forget to pass the word,WORD!! register to get free e-mails everytime the blog is updated by typing your e-mail address in the allocated space above and click submit....Its that easy
Love Peace Happyness
My children are cursed
An unborn forsaken seed
Semen of the beast
With twisted tongues
And no claim to language
And 'they' ask
What they took from me
And I wrote this piece in English
My children are cursed
With fading root lines
And too much white lines
Brain washed by white lies
Propaganda in an electronic box
Subliminally fed to their minds
Through your Tel lie Vision screens
Visions scary
Future seems hurried
Of the present we are weary
And still they ask
What they took from me
And I wrote this piece in English
My children were cursed
When we traded our animal skin for cloth
Our spears for guns
Our locks for straight hair
Our rituals for sermons
With pale-faced missionaries
Masked with the black book
False prophets that civilised
‘The uncouth animals’
With false promises
At the cost of their land
And they still ask
What they took from me
And I wrote this in English
My children are cursed
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I would’ve called him Genesis coz he was my first
He would’ve killed my arch nemesis with just one verse
Have the crowd hanging on his every word
The first always means the world
From the first day at school
To my first cigarette pull
The first kiss I got after school
First time I felt a girl’s breast was by the pool
Still remember the first time I got laid
Or what I bought when I first got paid
I would’ve called him Genesis coz he was my first
He would’ve killed my arch nemesis with just one verse
The perfect daddy’s little man
We would walk to the park hand in hand
Teach him the little I know about art
Remind him of the day we saw he could stand
But when she fell pregnant she didn’t understand
She was scared of what her parents would say once she started showing
So she had an abortion without me knowing
And took away my first
Friday, June 10, 2011
This is a color picture of Jennifer Mars please help find her
My prayers go out to the Mars family. Let us all put our efforts together and help this family find their daughter!
Love Peace Happyness
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Fw: To My Love
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
I did not know that love lives
Walks and breathes life
Into dying flowers
Holds hands with the fallen
Wipes their tears
And disinfects their fears
With each soothing kiss
All this
I did not know that love eats
At the un-mentioned doubt
Until its skeletons shout
“I believe”
I didn’t know it feeds
On every stolen kiss
And silent stare
Until something was amiss
All this
I did not know that love reprimands
Has a firm grip on things,
That beyond the fairies
The butterflies in stomachs
Cloud 9
Love has a realistic high
With both feet on the ground
All this
I did not know that love has me
Clasped with both hands
Cushioning me against
The world’s blows
Not letting harm come my way
I did not know that love has a name
As beautiful as hope
I did not know love was human
I did not know
That love
T Daka (Chairman)*, JP Ndhlovu*, Y Kwinana*, SP Mzimela*
*Non Executive
Company Secretary – SAA Corporate
SAA Technical (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1999/024058/07
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Dear Crack
Love peace Happyness
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Dear crack
Lesley Masenya
When we met, you made me feel on top of the world
A feeling that was short lived
And I later learned could never be attained again
You promised pleasure
But never spoke of the pain
And it was the pain you caused
That brought me back to you again and again and again
Sounds stupid now I admit
But you convinced me you’ll take it all away
Little did I know that when you said “all”
You meant my furniture, my career, my loved ones
And everything that made me ,me
You took my passion for art
And replaced it with your greedy, selfish desire
For instant gratification
All I lived for was to satisfy this desire
Disregarded my morals
And didn’t care
You took all that I have
All that I am
Now that I have left
Why won’t you leave me alone
Is all that I gave not enough?
I say “gave”
Because now I realize that is what I did
I “gave’ you power over me
I “gave” away my money to be with you
I ‘gave’ you my house goods
You never took what wasn’t given to you
After all that you still won’t let me be
You still haunt my dreams
And I have to constantly stop myself
From thinking about you
What we had wasn’t healthy
It left me broken
Feeling like half the man I should be
And every time
I tried to leave
And, you somehow
Lured me back to you
It left me weak
And uncertain of my future
Now that I have the strength
To stand up and leave
You still trying trying to drag me back
To the gutter that I have freed myself from
If I had the means
I would throw you
And anything related to you
Into a bottomless abyss
So no one else
Can lay their hands on you
(to be continued)
Lesley Masenya | Chief Planner | Planning Support - SAA Technical
Mobile: 082 413 7568 |
Phone: +2711-978-2061 |
Fax: +2711-978-2285 |
Room 257, 2nd Floor, Hangar 8, SAA Technical, OR Tambo International Airport- Johannesburg- South Africa
T Daka (Chairman)*, JP Ndhlovu*, Y Kwinana*, SP Mzimela*
*Non Executive
Company Secretary – SAA Corporate
SAA Technical (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1999/024058/07
Monday, June 6, 2011
Fw: Untitled
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
Happy Monday Inspired Beings
Love Peace Happyness
Les-T Da Last Souljah
That’s all he thinks about
The raw of the crowd
Him spitting those words
That says what his about
Mic in one hand
Them nodding like they understand
His the only one feeling the pain
But his on stage pouring his heart out again
Screaming at the top of his voice
‘let it rain’
That’s all he thinks about
The pain of these words as they come out
The words staring at him and shout
As he pages through his little black book
Words giving him the look
Pages worn out like an old bible
This is his only source of survival
Spot light getting too hot again
Him standing there thinking
‘let it rain’
T Daka (Chairman)*, JP Ndhlovu*, Y Kwinana*, SP Mzimela*
*Non Executive
Company Secretary – SAA Corporate
SAA Technical (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1999/024058/07
Friday, June 3, 2011
Fw: African Warriors
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
Good Day all
It has been brought to my attention that the Picture could not be viewed by a lot of people. Our Technical department is workin on it and promise to re post the picture on Monday…please accept our sincere apology…hope you enjoy the weekend and the next piece….
Stay Inspired
African warriors
My pen bleeds
When I think
Of all these unwanted seeds
Conceived through
One moment of passion
Now cast away like weeds
Left to fend for themselves
In this garbage bin of life
It's hard to survive in the urban
Wearing you poverty like a turban
How do you feel within
When they seek
A better day in your rubbish bin
Fighting off the cold with their naked skin
The latest edition of the SOWETAN
As their only weapon
They’re all African warriors within
With blunt spears
Trying to stab their grim reality
Chanting their songs of war
On cardboards
“No food
No clothes”
Fixed at the corner
Of your roads like billboards
Watching the lives
They wish they had drive past
My pen bleeds
When I think of all these unwanted seeds
Conceived through one moment of passion
Now cast away like weeds
Left to fend for themselves
My father also left me
With one pair of shoes
And I knew I was destined to lose
I called him and he told me
He had nothing to lose
Like my existence wasn’t good enough
My pen bleeds
'Cos I feel their vibe
My pen bleeds
'Cos I am a part of that tribe
My pen bleeds
'Cos their situation
Is unlike my rhymes
Unrehearsed yet versed
In broken dreams
And silent screams
My heart cries
Because this situation will not end
Before my ink dries
Lesley Masenya | Chief Planner | Planning Support - SAA Technical
Mobile: 082 413 7568 |
Phone: +2711-978-2061 |
Fax: +2711-978-2285 |
Room 257, 2nd Floor, Hangar 8, SAA Technical, OR Tambo International Airport- Johannesburg- South Africa
T Daka (Chairman)*, JP Ndhlovu*, Y Kwinana*, SP Mzimela*
*Non Executive
Company Secretary – SAA Corporate
SAA Technical (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1999/024058/07
STRENGTH-oil on canvas
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This is a painting I entitled Strength. I found peace and strength from doing this painting
It’s a my interpretation of a photo of the legendary Abdullah Ibrahim. I did at a time when I
Had an internal struggle with self tryin to find me
The text on the left read:
Are those
That can
Stand up
And win
Rage against
And sin
The text on the right reads:
Strapped hope
To my
T Daka (Chairman)*, JP Ndhlovu*, Y Kwinana*, SP Mzimela*
*Non Executive
Company Secretary – SAA Corporate
SAA Technical (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1999/024058/07
Thursday, June 2, 2011
: Tribute To My Ex
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
This is one of my friends’ favourite piece that I wrote. Well Mxolisi “MTN” Nkonde I have it posted.
Tribute to my ex
Les T
Forever is a very long time
And time has a way of changing things
They told me
And it rings true
When I think of the times me and you
Used to take long walks
Through taxi ranks and shacks
Whilst holding hands
And thought it was romantic
Then things got hectic
And you told me
You don’t love me
But baby remember the time
We were dripping in sweat
Me inside you
You inside me
You said love
I said love
And we made love
Promised forever
Forever will be together
Remember the times
We used to fight and reconcile
Kiss and make up
We put it down in poetry
Called it
‘Bliss this misery’
And laughed about it
I hate the memories these grey skies bring
It was raining when I bought you that ring
Asked you to be my wife
And you couldn’t imagine life
Without me
But baby you should’ve told me
That your forever was just 2 years
And spared me the tears
The heartache
And headaches the after
You should’ve told me
That the ‘we means us’
These vows were written on water
And spared me the bullshit forever after
You could’ve spared me
The money I used
To buy that symbol of ‘our love’
That you so conveniently lost
Do you know how much that ring cost?
You could’ve spared me
The embarrassment and humiliation
Of having to tell my parents
We have broken up
Three days before kentsa magadi*
Imagine rakgadi**
Looking at me with those big eyes
Asking me what happened
And I couldn’t answer
You could’ve spared me
The ‘aagh shame Joe are you ok’
I got from my boys
Who didn’t know what else to say
You could’ve spared me
But you didn’t
Now I had to find me peace
Through poetry
Like we said
'Its bliss this misery'
You were my Sun Goddess
And I guess
I was just Icarus
Who flew too close to the sun!
*kentsa magadi---pay lobola
T Daka (Chairman)*, JP Ndhlovu*, Y Kwinana*, SP Mzimela*
*Non Executive
Company Secretary – SAA Corporate
SAA Technical (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1999/024058/07
I wrote this piece
To give you a piece of mine
To give you a piece of my mind
A piece of my soul
A piece of the many pieces
Of my shattered heart
With this one piece
I wrote this piece
On my quest for peace
With a piece in one hand
White doves in mind
A piece of paper on my lap
Skeletons in the closet
As I contemplate my exit
With this one piece
Will I leave this world in one piece?
Or with one last piece
That chronicles a piece
Of my existence
My conscience
Just won’t rest in peace
Until I write just one last piece
I wrote this piece
In search of that super piece
A piece that supersedes all pieces
And helps me cheat death
As I ride the wave of eternity
On the burning page
Of that one piece
As I follow the steps
Of a past sage
With this one piece
I will write this piece
Until I find my inner peace
And write that piece
‘Cause it is my life
Or live on a page
And die on stage
With a mic in my hand
While I search
For that one piece
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
No Talking On the Dance Floor
No talking on the dance floor
Les-T(da Last Souljah)
They danced the night away
Proclaimed undying love on the dance floor that day
Deep house got them in a trance
She had never felt so much romance
She was 17 and he was 24
But there’s no talking on the dance floor
She wanted to leave but he wanted more
Dj mixing like never before
She says I have to go
He says its 3.30 stay till 4
And there’s no talking on the dance floor
They danced the night away
He twisted her arm on the dance floor that day
Green bottles got the best of her in a way
She fell in love on the dance floor that day
She fell for his lies and a lot more that day
She couldn’t see her friends anywhere
He said where do you stay I’ll take you there
But there’s no talking on the dance floor
So he said lets move closer to the door
They got one last drink from the bar
Cos he was taking her home in his fancy car
He played that song in the car once more
Made them feel like they on the dance floor
The road didn’t look familiar anymore
She tried to tell him
But he said shh… there’s no talking on the dance floor
As they walked up the stairs hand in hand
She staggered and realized she could hardly stand
Laughed it off and sang that song again
He said are you ok there’s just one more floor
She smiled and whispered
There’s no talking on the dance floor
He carried her the rest of the way
And into his flat and offered a drink she said I’m ok
He played that song and they started dancing again
She felt he was her knight in shining armor
The one who took her pain away
They started kissing had that song on repeat
They made what she thought was sweet love to a deep house beat
He went down on her and even kissed her feet
Her attempt to ask if he had a rubber before the score
Were silenced by his finger on her lips and….
There’s no talking on the dance floor
He struggled to get it in but she was willing
She felt the pain but couldn’t ignore the feeling
She wanted him and he wanted her
So they let the necessary occur
They danced the night away
She lost her virginity that way
The way he moved and touched her brought them to climax
Her innocence and inexperience reminded him of his ex
Or should I say his last conquest
But there no talking on the dance floor
As he took her to the taxi rank in the morning
He said he was late for work and would call her
You would think she had bruised knees
The many times she fell for his lies
As she turned to kiss him
She took what was to be the last stare into his deceitful eyes
All she ever got from the man she thought cared
Was a beautiful baby boy, twenty rands taxi fare
And a cd of that beautiful song
That made everything seem right that was just so wrong
This is how she lost everything her parents had worked for
But there’s no talking on the dance floor.