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Good Day all
It has been brought to my attention that the Picture could not be viewed by a lot of people. Our Technical department is workin on it and promise to re post the picture on Monday…please accept our sincere apology…hope you enjoy the weekend and the next piece….
Stay Inspired
African warriors
My pen bleeds
When I think
Of all these unwanted seeds
Conceived through
One moment of passion
Now cast away like weeds
Left to fend for themselves
In this garbage bin of life
It's hard to survive in the urban
Wearing you poverty like a turban
How do you feel within
When they seek
A better day in your rubbish bin
Fighting off the cold with their naked skin
The latest edition of the SOWETAN
As their only weapon
They’re all African warriors within
With blunt spears
Trying to stab their grim reality
Chanting their songs of war
On cardboards
“No food
No clothes”
Fixed at the corner
Of your roads like billboards
Watching the lives
They wish they had drive past
My pen bleeds
When I think of all these unwanted seeds
Conceived through one moment of passion
Now cast away like weeds
Left to fend for themselves
My father also left me
With one pair of shoes
And I knew I was destined to lose
I called him and he told me
He had nothing to lose
Like my existence wasn’t good enough
My pen bleeds
'Cos I feel their vibe
My pen bleeds
'Cos I am a part of that tribe
My pen bleeds
'Cos their situation
Is unlike my rhymes
Unrehearsed yet versed
In broken dreams
And silent screams
My heart cries
Because this situation will not end
Before my ink dries
Lesley Masenya | Chief Planner | Planning Support - SAA Technical
Mobile: 082 413 7568 |
Phone: +2711-978-2061 |
Fax: +2711-978-2285 |
Room 257, 2nd Floor, Hangar 8, SAA Technical, OR Tambo International Airport- Johannesburg- South Africa
T Daka (Chairman)*, JP Ndhlovu*, Y Kwinana*, SP Mzimela*
*Non Executive
Company Secretary – SAA Corporate
SAA Technical (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1999/024058/07
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