Love peace Happyness
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Dear crack
Lesley Masenya
When we met, you made me feel on top of the world
A feeling that was short lived
And I later learned could never be attained again
You promised pleasure
But never spoke of the pain
And it was the pain you caused
That brought me back to you again and again and again
Sounds stupid now I admit
But you convinced me you’ll take it all away
Little did I know that when you said “all”
You meant my furniture, my career, my loved ones
And everything that made me ,me
You took my passion for art
And replaced it with your greedy, selfish desire
For instant gratification
All I lived for was to satisfy this desire
Disregarded my morals
And didn’t care
You took all that I have
All that I am
Now that I have left
Why won’t you leave me alone
Is all that I gave not enough?
I say “gave”
Because now I realize that is what I did
I “gave’ you power over me
I “gave” away my money to be with you
I ‘gave’ you my house goods
You never took what wasn’t given to you
After all that you still won’t let me be
You still haunt my dreams
And I have to constantly stop myself
From thinking about you
What we had wasn’t healthy
It left me broken
Feeling like half the man I should be
And every time
I tried to leave
And, you somehow
Lured me back to you
It left me weak
And uncertain of my future
Now that I have the strength
To stand up and leave
You still trying trying to drag me back
To the gutter that I have freed myself from
If I had the means
I would throw you
And anything related to you
Into a bottomless abyss
So no one else
Can lay their hands on you
(to be continued)
Lesley Masenya | Chief Planner | Planning Support - SAA Technical
Mobile: 082 413 7568 |
Phone: +2711-978-2061 |
Fax: +2711-978-2285 |
Room 257, 2nd Floor, Hangar 8, SAA Technical, OR Tambo International Airport- Johannesburg- South Africa
T Daka (Chairman)*, JP Ndhlovu*, Y Kwinana*, SP Mzimela*
*Non Executive
Company Secretary – SAA Corporate
SAA Technical (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1999/024058/07
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