Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Again it stares at me

Blessed Souls

Happy Africa Day to all Africans and all who have been dispersed through out the world
stay black

Love Peace Happyness


Again it stares at me
As religiously as it always does
Begging for truth and honesty
The white background
Purely unblemished
Seeking substance
From a hollow man
Seeking understanding
Where it can

As her big brown eyes
Catch my pen’s attention
And her lips beg
For my affection
Painstakingly finding
A way to my art
Her words paving
A way to my heart

And I sit there helpless
As much of a victim
As a suicide bomber
That never had a final prayer
But wrote Ode’s to his rebirth
…now I have to be
A true mind down to earth
Admit defeat in the eyes
Of a black princess

For what is written
Is more true
Than what is said
Carries more weight
In my hands
So I carry it
With both hands
And give a voice to my heart

That organ
We attribute feeling to
And let it sing
Let it sing
Let it sing
Because the hand
Has already betrayed it
And the lips
With every kiss said it
So let my heart sing

Let my heart sing
And with every pen stroke
A heart beat
Let my heart sing
The song cupid
Placed in a poet’s heart
Let my heart sing

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